Eating the right way, yet struggling to lose weight?

Eating the right way, yet struggling to lose weight?


Eating the right way, yet struggling to lose weight?

Shrug off your worries.

Experts have come up with a solution that can boost your digestion, make your eating habits better, curb your food cravings, and even shred off a few kilos.

So, an easy-peasy way to take care of your overall dietary wellbeing is to practice mindful eating.

Mealtimes are typically hurried occurrences for many of us due to our hectic daily lives. We eat while driving to work, sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen, or sitting on the sofa watching TV. We eat mindlessly, cramming food down regardless of whether or not we are hungry. Indeed, we frequently eat for reasons other than hunger, such as to meet emotional needs, reduce stress, or cope with unpleasant feelings like melancholy, worry, loneliness, or boredom. This type of harmful “mindless” eating is the polar opposite of mindful eating.

Mindful eating isn’t about being flawless, always eating the proper foods, or never eating on the move again. And it’s not about imposing severe limits on how many calories you may consume or which items you must include or exclude from your diet. Rather, it is about concentrating all of your senses and being present when shopping for, cooking, serving, and eating food. While mindful eating isn’t for every individual, many of us find that eating this way, even just a few times a week, helps in becoming more in tune with the body. This can help in preventing overeating and making eating habits easier, and experience the enhanced well-being that comes with a healthy diet. You may learn to relish both your food and the experience of eating by focusing your attention to how you feel while you eat—the texture and flavors of each mouthful, your body’s hunger and fullness signals, and how various meals impact your energy and mood. Being conscious of what you eat can help you digest better, feel fuller with less food, and make better eating choices in the future. It can also assist you in breaking free from bad diet and eating habits.

To cultivate the art of mindfulness, you must engage in an activity with complete awareness. When it comes to meal planning, it’s critical to eat with your whole focus rather than automatically gorging on the food or while reading, looking at your phone, watching TV, daydreaming, or planning what you’ll do later. When your focus wanders, simply turn your gaze to your meal and the feeling of making, serving, and eating. Begin by practicing mindful eating for gaps of five minutes and progressively increase from there. Remember, you may start mindful eating when creating your grocery list or scanning the menu at a restaurant. Examine each item you add to your list or select from the menu carefully. We hope, at the end of this article you have already figured out your own way of mindfully eating your food. If not, then through experience and tried and tested methods, you will excel at it.

Afterall, good food will make you happy but having a hearty meal in the right way, will keep you happier and healthier  🙂